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How To Overcome Face Shield Production Problems Like a Pro

In the face of a national crisis, Waltonen Engineering and Independence Tooling Solutions are working around the clock to manufacture face shields for healthcare workers. Watch Dan Turk, a Certified NX Professional Elite 100 User and SolidEdge Expert, demonstrate how to design a face shield while overcoming material shortages and design flaws to keep our first responders safe!

Why Do We Need Face Shields?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals are in dire need of face masks, face shields, ventilators, and more. Face masks and goggles play a huge role in keeping our healthcare professionals safe from coronavirus. However, there are face mask shortages across the nation due to interruptions in the supply chain and the spike public demand when the news of coronavirus became prominent. Although face masks are still needed by numerous hospitals, face shields can greatly reduce the demand for face masks.

Face masks, typically made with cloth, have been shown to be less effective than medical-grade face masks. As these masks need to be manufactured and cannot be sewn through public efforts, face shields are a better solution. Face shields cover more of the face than masks, prevent wearers from touching their face, and are durable, reusable alternatives.

How Can Manufacturers Help?

If you have not already, read our recent blog posts: Why You Should Consider Becoming A Necessary COVID-19 Manufacturer and How Can GeoPLM Help Manufacturers Through the COVID Crisis. The Geometric Solutions team is happy to help with product design, reverse engineering, and more! Brainstorm with us!

How Can I Learn To Overcome Face Shield Production Problems Life A Pro

Our upcoming live webinar How To Overcome Face Shield Production Problems Like a Pro starts at 2 PM ET on Tuesday, April 14th, 2020. Reserve your seat now!

On-Demand Webinar Now Available!

Watch How to Overcome Face Shield Production Problems Like a Pro now on-demand!